
High School Placement Test, Pre-HSPT and Placement

High School Placement Test

高中分班考试(HSPT)是一项国家认可的标准化考试,是网络彩票平台高中招生过程的一部分. 该测试适用于申请阿灵顿教区天主教高中的八年级学生. 考试时间为两个半小时,考试内容包括语言表达能力, quantitative skills, reading, mathematics and language skills. HSPT的结果被用作录取考虑和奖学金考虑的一部分,以及确定学生是否被录取的课程安排.
在阿灵顿教区天主教学校就读的学生将在他们的学校参加考试. 目前没有在阿灵顿教区天主教学校注册的八年级学生(就读于公立学校或其他私立学校的学生)必须在网络彩票平台(或其他提供HSPT的学校)注册参加考试。. 成绩将在考试当天发送到学生在考试表格上填写的学校.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.  
Information specific to arrival, 随着日期的临近,离境手续和在网络彩票平台高中考试时需要携带的物品将发送到注册表格上输入的电子邮件地址. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office at

Thursday, December 5, 2025
-在阿灵顿教区天主教学校就读的学生将在他们的学校参加HSPT. 如果学生将在他们的学校进行测试,是否不注册在网络彩票平台.

Saturday, December 7, 2024 (recommended test) - The HSPT is administered at Bishop Ireton for students who attend public schools or other private schools. The snow date is December 9.

Saturday, January 11, 2025 - HSPT是在网络彩票平台为就读于公立学校或其他私立学校的学生进行的,这些学生不能参加12月7日的考试. The snow date is January 25. 只要在12/16/24之前收到所有其他申请项目,在此日期测试的学生仍将被考虑在第一轮申请审查中.

WHERE: Bishop Ireton High School, 201 Cambridge Rd., Alexandria, VA  2231

TIME: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

COST: $50 Registration Fee


对于持有适当的彩票网址平台计划或服务计划的学生,教区期望延长考试的时间相当于正常考试时间的1.5倍. 只有那些拥有有效IEP或服务计划的学生才能获得考试住宿. 

符合住宿条件的学生必须在注册时提交IEP或服务计划的副本(通过电子邮件发送到 to qualify for these accommodations.

They must be received no later than November 15, 2024 for the December exam and December 16, 2024 for the January exam in order to properly accommodate. 所有提供考试的教区高中都提供考试住宿. 

The December 6 date is the preferred HSPT testing date. The January date should only be used if there is a conflict. There are no additional testing dates after the January test. Please be sure to block your calendar for the testing date and snow date as we have had to use the snow date in the past.

Pre-High School Placement Test

Pre-HSPT是高中分班考试的一个实践版本,学生将在八年级秋季参加,作为申请过程的一部分. The test is 2.5 hours long and contains timed multiple choice sections. The Pre-HSPT scores are not used by Bishop Ireton. 这个测试只是为了给学生提供一个参加考试的机会,让他们对秋季会发生什么有个大概的了解.  由于Pre-HSPT是一个练习测试,因此没有提供任何考试安排.  

Date: Summer 2025
Time: Arrival 8:30am (test starts at 8:45 am) - pick up 12 pm
Cost: $50 per tester - non-refundable

Click here to join the interest list for the PreHSPT that will occur in Summer 2025. 这是针对将在24-25学年完成七年级的学生.  

Freshman Placement Exams

新生入学考试是给8年级的学生在网络彩票平台注册后. They occur at the end of May/June of their 8th grade year. The exams help determine class placement for 9th grade at Bishop Ireton. 以下是教区分班考试的列表,艾尔顿主教用这些考试来决定学生对某一学科的掌握程度. Information is provided in the acceptance packet regarding specific dates. 

List of 2 items.

  • Algebra I and Geometry Placement Test and Exemption Information

    只有目前就读或已完成全年代数I课程的学生才能参加代数I考试,只有目前就读或已完成全年几何课程的学生才能参加几何考试. A calculator is permissible for the Geometry exam only.

    在大学一年级免修代数I课程,修读荣誉代数II/三角课程, the entering student must meet all the following criteria:

    • 85th percentile or higher on the quantitative math section of the HSPT
    • 77% or higher on the Diocesan Algebra Exam
    • Grade of B or higher in Algebra I in 7th or 8th grade

    • 85th percentile or higher on the quantitative math section of the HSPT
    • 77% or higher on the diocesan Geometry exam
    • Grade of B or higher in 8th grade Geometry and 7th grade Algebra I

    Qualifications for taking Honors Algebra I as a freshman:
    • B+ or higher in 8th grade math
    • 90 percentile or higher on the math section of the HSPT
    以前修过代数I的学生,如果在教区代数入学考试中获得60- 76%的分数,就可以修荣誉代数I.

    All other students take Algebra I freshman year.
  • World Language Diocesan Placement Exams

    对于希望在Bishop Ireton高中第一年进入II级或更高级别世界语言班的注册新生来说,这个考试是必需的.

    学生必须在毕晓普艾尔顿学习至少两年,完成世界语言三级课程 or 在艾尔顿主教学院学习一种世界语言两年,之后又学习另一种世界语言两年.

Placement Exams



P: (703) 751-7606
F: (703) 212-8173
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